March 15, 202503:28:27 AM

IrisVR Launches Multiuser Meetings in VR

One of the difficulties of the modern workplace is that your colleagues can sometimes be entire continents away from you. This can make it tricky if you wish to discuss a particular issue with a project. IrisVR is aiming to resolve this issue by embracing the power of virtual reality (VR).

IrisVR have been working to introduce VR technology to architecture, engineering and construction using its Prospect software. The company is now enabling professionals in those areas to meet and collaborate using Prospect’s new multi-user meetings feature.

The Multi-User Meetings feature allows users to meet using Oculus Rift or HTC Vive headsets and share VR walkthroughs and project files created in Revit, SketchUp, Rhino and a selection of other 3D modelling tools. Showing an awareness of the pitfalls of VR experiences, Multi-user Meetings have been designed to take only 10 seconds to join, and have been optimised for low latency and high frame-rates to avoid simulation sickness issues when loading large or complex 3D models.

“Meeting in a true-to-scale, digital environment is the next big trend for VR and AR in enterprise markets,” says Shane Scranton, co-founder and CEO at IrisVR. “VR used to be a solitary experience, but now it can truly offer immersive collaboration for our users and their colleagues, no matter where they are in the world. Early tests with our customers have shown that this technology will not only improve the client experience and enhance design review, it will also significantly reduce the need to travel while working on a remote project.”

Up to 12 users can join a Multi-user Meeting session, which comes equipped with voice chat and allows all members to see the same annotations, layer settings, lighting and shadows on models.

Nate Beatty, co-founder and CTO, adds: “The technical foundation we’ve built to support Multiuser sessions facilitates enterprise-grade meetings today, and enables us to build powerful workflow tools in the future. Driven by our mission to engineer efficient solutions that reduce communication time and increase comprehension among all project stakeholders, we’re excited about the features that Multiuser unlocks.”

Further information on Prospect and its features can be found on the IrisVR website, or you can view the video trailer below. As always, VRFocus will continue to bring you news on new software and features.

via Mint VR
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