March 18, 202506:13:31 PM

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes Free on Oculus Rift This Weekend

Oculus has run several free weekends during the course of 2018, with the likes of Eleven: Table Tennis VR, magical dueling title Wands and multiplayer shooter EVE: Valkyrie all featuring. For Oculus Rift owners, this weekend’s free experience is Steel Crate Games’ party game Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Originally launched on Samsung Gear VR in 2015, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes came to Oculus Rift in early 2016, with motion controller support arriving in January 2017. The goal of the videogame is to diffuse a bomb, the only trouble is you have no idea how to.

Designed as a local party game between a few family and friends, the headset wearer has to diffuse the bomb via information provided by everyone else. Steel Crate Games created a ‘Bomb Manual’ which needs to be printed out. Each page (or sometimes a couple of pages) tells the reader how to solve a particular module which the virtual reality (VR) player can see.

To begin with bombs only feature three or four modules. As the difficulty ramps up more modules are added on either side of the bomb casing. It’s only through clear verbal instructions (from both sides) that each module can be solved ensuring the bomb doesn’t explode, be careful as some bombs allow you to make more mistakes than others.

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes - Touch

VRFocus gave the Gear VR version of the title a full five stars in its review, saying: “Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes  takes a brilliant concept that could nethertheless quickly wear out its welcome and helps it thrive thanks to expert design and varied pacing. It’s a great way to introduce people to the idea of VR as a multiplayer experience as well as the innovation that’s possible on the platform.”

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes will be available for free from 6pm GMT on 1st March to 8am GMT on 5th March, 2018. For the latest deals and offers from Oculus, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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