March 17, 202508:55:38 AM

Microsoft Gains New German Partners for Mixed Reality Partner Program

Four new firms have joined the Microsoft Mixed Reality Partner Program in Germany. All four companies are specialists in their field and will be able to take advantage of hands-on training and technical support from Microsoft.

The four firms are Data Experts, Medialesson, Riflekt and Viscopic, who will strengthen the German-speaking mixed reality partner network in Europe.

WorkLink - HoloLens

Data Experts specialise in the development of interactive content, including cross-device experiences. “We believe Mixed Reality is the way we consume digital content in the future,” said Chris Papenfuß, team leader Holographic at Data Experts GmbH, “Microsoft offers Microsoft HoloLens, the leading technology in the field of mixed reality. By participating in the Partner Program, we want to benefit from having direct access to Microsoft’s know-how and to promoting our own solutions.”

Medialesson has been working on human-machine interaction for over 15 years, with particular emphasis on usability and user experience. One of the company’s flagship projects is between Medialesson and Porsche to utilise mixed reality vehicle design.

Reflekt have been working with augmented reality (AR) for five years, concentrating on remote site support and interactive user manuals and training.

“Mixed Reality is still a new platform and the direct exchange with the manufacturer is very important,” says Wolfgang Stelzle, CEO & Founder of Reflekt GmbH. “We are now able to link our products even more closely to Microsoft HoloLens by using the knowledge of our Microsoft colleagues.”

Visopic have also been working with AR technology, offering advice and workshops on how the technology can be utilised through prototype development and application case evaluation, including industrial training.

“The demand for Mixed Reality applications is constantly increasing, and we are increasingly asked if certain use cases are feasible,” says Marco Maier, Co-Founder and Head of Business Development at Visopic. “With the Microsoft HoloLens we can now implement mixed reality applications for companies that were previously difficult to realize. We see great potential for growth in technology and want to work with Microsoft to promote mixed reality in the industrial market.”

Further news about the Microsoft Mixed Reality Partner program will be here on VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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