Silent Streets Is An Intriguing Adventure Game For ARKit

Silent Streets Is An Intriguing Adventure Game For ARKit

We may finally be getting a grasp on how to make great VR games, but AR gaming still remains largely unexplored. Indie developer Funbakers is breaking new ground, though, with the release of its AR mystery game, Silent Streets: The Mocking Bird.

Due for release on iOS on March 1st, Silent Streets uses ARKit to transport players to the town of Snowport, where they’ll investigate a series of murders in the 19th-century Victorian era. Using your iPhone you’ll inspect virtual crime scenes including corpses for clues and interview suspects as you search for a vicious killer.

You’ll journey to various parts of Snowport and meet a wide range of characters, some of which you’ll forge friendships with and others you’ll begin to suspect of foul play. The branching narrative will feature different ways to complete the case as well as side quests.

Check out how it works in the video below.

The Mocking Bird is set to be the first episode in a series (and can be played without AR support, too). If successful, we could be looking at one of AR’s first great games.

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