This AR App Puts Abraham Lincoln In Your Living Room For Presidents Day

This AR App Puts Abraham Lincoln In Your Living Room For Presidents Day

Celebrate Presidents Day the right way with your very own virtualized Abraham Lincoln.

Peak Reality recently released this AR Flashcards app on iOS. With it you can summon the iconic President to any spot in the world and listen to him recite the unmistakable Gettysburg Address. Your virtual Lincoln will stand unassumingly in parks and living rooms, delivering his speech like it’s 1863 all over again. We have to admit he’s looking quite adorable in his cartoonish form. You can earn virtual badges by exploring the app, too.

Check out a trailer for the app below.

The app itself is free, but in-app purchases can unlock portals for you to step through, transporting you to significant locations from Lincoln’s life in 360 degrees. It’s a pretty interesting mix of AR and 360 video for sure.

It’s also a pretty great example of how AR Flashcards, which has been running for over five years, has grown to support new technologies like Apple’s ARKit.

via Mint VR
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