March 28, 202510:25:39 PM

Chapter 4 of the Exorcist: Legion VR Confirmed for Release in April

The first two chapters of Wolf & Wood’s The Exorcist: Legion VR launched in 2017 with Chapter 3: Skin Deep arriving in January. Now the developer has revealed that Chapter 4: Samaritan is due to arrive later next month.

The Exorcist: Legion VR - Samaritan screenshot1

In The Exorcist: Legion VR – Chapter 4: Samaritan the studio explains: “Haiti has become a failed quarantine zone. Racked by an unknown plague, a slew of health worker deaths have led to the collapse of efforts to control the mounting victim toll. You travel to a small aid center to discover what (or who) lies at the heart of the epidemic.”

The Exorcist: Legion VR has been based on the events of The Exorcist III, with players able to experience a stand-alone story untold in the movies across five chapters. Mixing horror and puzzle dynamics, each episode is about uncovering and defeating a different demonic entity using a specific weapon. Chapters are around 20-25 minutes long allowing players to complete a full exorcism in one session. They can then replay each chapter for additional secrets, achievements and performance and locate a variety of Easter eggs.

Earlier this month TPCAST teamed up with publisher Fun Train to offer customers in the US a special deal. With each sale of TPCAST’s Wireless Adapter for HTC Vive or Oculus Rift customers would get a free copy of the first chapter of The Exorcist: Legion VR.

The Exorcist: Legion VR - Samaritan screenshot2

Wolf & Wood will be releasing Chapter 4 in mid to late April on Steam and Oculus Store. There’s still no word on the PlayStation VR version, just that it will have its own announcement very soon. VRFocus will continue its coverage of The Exorcist: Legion VR, reporting back with the latest updates including the final fifth chapter.

via Mint VR
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