March 25, 2025

Laser Game Evolution Brings Raving Rabbids Location-Based VR to Montréal

French design and manufacturing firm Group Artea has announced a brand new Laser Game Evolution center will open its doors on 5th March, 2018 at the Marché Central in Montréal, Canada.

Laser Game Evolution Rabbids Maze

Having contributed to the design and fabrication of the Laser Game Evolution center, the company has revealed that virtual reality (VR) experiences will be unique to the location, offering guests even more immersive gaming opportunities.

Today’s opening will mark the launch of VR Quest, a VR solution that features multiple gameplay options. Using HTC Vive headsets and backpack PC’s players will be able to choose either Virtual Lapins Cretins: The Big Maze or The Minotaur’s Maze. In the first title – based on Ubisoft’s Raving Rabbids – players will have to shoot their way through hordes of mental rabbits whilst trying to escape the maze. In the latter experience players have to defend themselves against groups of skeletons whilst scaling narrow ledges at more than 50m above the sea.

VR Quest will be setup like a maze, with guests able to touch and feel real walls that represent the ones found in the virtual worlds. This not only makes the VR experience that bit more immersive, it also helps to slow players down so they don’t bump into each other or any other physical object.

Laser Game Evolution VR Quest

Location-based VR is becoming big business as companies look to new ways of entertaining the public. From VR arcades to theme parks with VR roller coasters. VR developers are even getting in on the action, adapting home VR experiences to warehouse scale attractions, such as Vertigo Games and its Arizona Sunshine LB VR Edition.

Group Artea will also be responsible for the expansion of Laser Game Evolution in North America. If further VR experiences are added along the way, VRFocus will let you know.

via Mint VR
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