March 21, 202501:28:37 AM

Life In 360°: Lions…

Welcome back to another edition of Life In 360, where every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we start the day at VRFocus with me surfing my way around the web and picking out something interesting or different, or maybe just bringing you some news all of which is related to 360 degree video.

Life In 360° / 360 Degree VideoThis week the majority of the team are off on their travels, as we enter the first truly busy period of the year in terms of everyone being at events. So, I’ve prepared this one a bit in advance as we’re having something of a ‘theme week’ on Li360.  We’re getting close with the animal kingdom in a trilogy that will take us all over the world, and we’ll be looking at the animals in question from three very different sources as well. We start off by heading to back to the team at National Geographic and a short VR film by National Geographic Explorer Martin Edström.

Edström follows the story of young male lion Gibson, and he has a problem. Namely that the pride already has a strong male figure in it, and he doesn’t want any others around that might become a rival for the attentions of the lionesses. Gibson’s brother has already been killed, and he and his mother have fled the safety of the pride, ironically, for safety. Does Gibson have a chance of a future or will the dominant male hunt him and his mother down?

This is obviously not the first time we’ve featured one of the excellent videos from the National Geograhic team on Life In 360°. We’ve journeyed with them to the top of the Victoria Falls to take in the “Devil’s Pool”, we’ve gone wingwalking with them, taken in some, frankly outrageously cute baby pandas and even headed off to Antarctica. If you’re looking for something to pass the time later today, I’d definitely recommend checking those out.

For now though we have begun the week getting close to lions. I wonder what could possibly be coming next time? You’d best join us again later this week on VRFocus to find out.


via Mint VR
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