March 27, 202512:54:41 PM

Report Shows Continuing Application Growth In AR

Augmented reality (AR) has been receiving much attention in recent months, thanks to the development of high-profile AR apps such as Pokemon Go and toolkits such as ARKit and ARCore. A report released by ABI Research shows that the AR market is still undergoing significant expansion into new areas in consumer and enterprise sectors.

ABI Research is predicting that binocular device types such as smartglasses will undergo continued increases in demand, especially with regards to manufacturing and enterprise applications from companies such as Vuzix and Avegant.

Vuzix Blade 3000

The report forecasts that there will be 32.7 million total smart glasses shipments in 2022, growing from 225 thousand in 2017. The development of the technology to provide smaller and more lightweight form-factor smartglasses, with higher resolution displays will drive continued demand.

“The past few years have allowed augmented reality to take root in the enterprise with compelling and unique use cases, including remote expertise and hands-free instruction,” says Eric Abbruzzese, Principal Analyst for ABI Research. “As the market matures, there will be a need for greater capability in these AR devices, with displays powering much of the change. Given the growing consumer market interest, the similarities and differences between display types in AR will be increasingly important.”

“As the AR demand grows in enterprise and begins in the consumer market, the requirements for smart glasses shift,” continues Abbruzzese. “Generally, an increased desire for higher-performing devices will push the market toward better displays in every category, with some use cases targeting specific needs. Consumer fitness devices will require small form factors and high brightness suitable for outdoor usage. AR media and entertainment growth with necessitate binocular, 3D capable devices with high resolution. Devices used in environments with high safety requirements will favor safety certified devices with highly transparent displays. Across the board, as knowledge and comfort with the potential of AR grow, so does the expectation for the devices, and with that expectation the requirements for devices grow too.”

The full finding from the report, titled Display Technologies in Augmented and Mixed Reality, can be found on the ABI Research website. Further reports from the immersive technology industry will be covered here on VRFocus.

via Mint VR

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