March 23, 202503:37:09 PM

Breezy Oculus Exclusive Paper Valley Gets Release Date

Breezy Oculus Exclusive Paper Valley Gets Release Date

Went to PAX last weekend? Get a chance to play Paper Valley? Then you know it looks like a literal breath of fresh air for VR gaming, and it’s coming soon.

The Oculus exclusive title, developed by VITEI Backroom, is launching on Rift on April 19th. In Paper Valley, you use your Touch controllers to throw paper airplanes that soar through gorgeous environments. You’ll visit ancient ruins and vast caves, taking in the sights as you aim for targets and watch your planes glide. It looks like a nice change of pace for VR gaming, letting you relax and enjoy the scenery around you. Check out the trailer below for some examples.

VITEI cites inspirations like ThatGameCompany, best known for indie hit, Journey, so that should give you an idea of what to expect. The game even won Famitsu’s Media Highlight Award at BitSummit in Kyoto, Japan last year, so we’re hoping for something memorable.

Paper Valley will cost £14.99/$19.99/€19.99 at launch.

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