Friday is here once again, and that means it’s time once again for a new giveaway competition here on VRFocus. It is, of course, always a mystery as to what exactly we’re going to reveal but, on this occasion, even we struggle to fully explain GNOSIS. To quote Peter from earlier this month it is the equivalent of “a piece of content that defies explanation, a mashup of several ideas and genres into one cohesive whole”.
At its heart GNOSIS (pronounced ‘no-sis’), or to give its full name GNOSIS: An AudioVisual Ritual is part-puzzle videogame, part-musical experience. You play the role of a knowledge seeker in 2325, the world is now a very different place to the one we now today. You are on a pilgrimage of sorts, seeking clues about the history and purpose of Humanity. A term the guardians of Sophia’s Temple, the ‘GNOSIS Archive’, reveal they have not heard in a very, very long time. Unfortunately, the archive recordings have been damaged by a nefarious source – but the data can be recovered. It’s up to you to do so.
We’ve teamed up with developer FATHOMABLE Ltd to give you the chance to win a code for the title on the Oculus Store. We’ve got five codes to give away, all you need to do to enter is use the Gleam widget below and interact with our social media accounts in some way. You’ll receive a draw entry for being a follower of us on Twitter, one (or another one if you do this as well) for being a subscriber of our channel on YouTube. You can gain a third entry if you visit our Facebook page – and it’d be pretty neat if you liked it while you were there – and the same goes for our Instagram account too.
The competition is open for approximately a week. It starts today, April 27th, 2018, and will end at midnight UK time, the beginning of May 4th. Winners will be drawn and contacted shortly after that period – and if you’ve entered a contest recently we sent codes to a whole bunch of winners the other day. So if you entered a competition recently take a look in your inbox!
via Mint VR