March 19, 202508:01:03 AM

Farpoint Dev Is Hiring To ‘Redefine AAA VR Gaming’ With Next Project

Farpoint Dev Is Hiring To ‘Redefine AAA VR Gaming’ With Next Project

2017’s Farpoint was one of the rare VR shooters that showed the genre could evolve beyond wave-based combat with a full campaign. It wasn’t perfect, but thanks to support for PSVR’s Aim Controller, it was one of the most immersive VR games released last year. It sounds like the developer Impulse Gear’s next project will be just as ambitious.

The studio recently posted a recruitment tweet, noting that the team is “redefining what a AAA VR game can be” for its next project. They didn’t provide any hints as to what they could be working on next, though.

Currently the team is looking for four people: two artists, a Senior Game Designer and a Senior Gameplay Programmer. Based on the listings, the game is set to feature combat of some sort, with one artist set to work on a “variety of weapon, and vehicle models.”

Farpoint was published by Sony for PSVR, but it’s not yet clear if Impulse Gear is partnering with the company again on this latest project, though the mention of AAA certainly suggests the team isn’t going it alone. The game released in mid-2017 but the developer supported it with new content drops post-launch (including a full PvP mode).

Whatever Impulse Gear is working on, we’re excited to see it.

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