Now it’s likely, considering the hour that Li360 goes out every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, that a number of you reading this will have already completed your morning commute into work and for you the day is just getting started. Well, prepare for more of the same as we’re talking travel on Wednesday’s Life in 360°. More specifically we’re covering rail travel.
Rail travel itself is pretty safe in general, but when it comes to people outside the train a lack of attention could prove fatal. Especially if you’ve got to cross the line at a crossing. As part of a series on railway safety the UK’s Network Rail has created several 360 degree videos featuring CG characters getting into all sorts of danger.
Actually, all of them come with a warning that some viewers may find the content upsetting.
“We’re doing all we can to keep people safe near level crossings and on the railway in general. These short films illustrate some of the dangers of not taking care at level crossings and trespassing on the railway.” Explains Network Rail, “We’re working closely with the British Transport Police and train operators to reduce incidents across the network, using covert surveillance to catch offenders and visiting schools to warn children of the dangers at level crossings and going on the railway. We can’t tackle this issue alone. We’re urging parents and young people to take a reality check when it comes to level crossings and trespass. It’s not a game: they are real tracks, with real trains and real life-changing consequences.”
We’re going to feature a few videos from the series today.
Episode 1 – Dogs Will Be Dogs
It’s not just humans that need to wary of railway lines, pet owners need to be wary too.
Episode 2 – No Going Back
Continuing the story, it might be painful to go back to the scene of an incident. Some will feel they need to in order to hunt for something. You’re just walking back into the same danger.
Episode 3 – Dare!
Sometimes bravado can lead to your downfall, and on a railway line that comes hand-in-hand with death or injury.
You can find out more about Network Rail’s the level crossing safety campaigns here. We’ll be finishing this series of videos Friday on VRFocus.
via Mint VR