Everybody likes a bit of destruction every now and then, and videogames are a great way to smash things up without causing a mess. Rovio found this to be true with the worldwide success of Angry Birds and several virtual reality (VR) developers have tried to emulate that addictive gameplay. The latest comes from Gamily Studios in the form of VR Furballs – Demolition which is currently in Steam Early Access for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality headsets.
To say that VR Furballs – Demolition oozes cuteness is an understatement. The little furry animal creatures are just a mound of hair with two anime eyes plonked on. Hold one up close – especially the dark blue one – and the furry detail is quite astonishing, wafting around as you move it from side to side. Its little elements like this that can showcase how much time and attention is put into a title, and that’s certainly the case with VR Furballs – Demolition.
As you may expect gameplay is a simple affair. With support for roomscale, standing and seated play VR Furballs – Demolition requires you to fire these balls of fluff at various structures. These precariously balanced buildings house some nasty red enemies which all need taking out to pass the level. To begin with, you’re armed with a slingshot to launch the furballs, then as you progress further weapons are unlocked to mix up the gameplay, with six in total to use including a tennis racket plus a further six accessories like Bullet Time.
Additionally, there are nine different furballs available, with certain ones having special attributes to complete a level. These are all colour coded, so the brown furballs can destroy the brown blocks with ease, the grey one likewise and so on. The current early access version has 32 playable levels with a total of 54 to be made available in the final release.
Even in early access without the full roster of levels VR Furballs – Demolition has sizable amount of content available. Alongside the core campaign there are several bonus levels to unlock plus there’s a level editor for those that wish to create their own. Only accessible once you complete the main game it’s still very rough, you can only build one level at a time and there’s no way to share it.
It might still be in development but VR Furballs – Demolition already feels like it’s virtually finished. Gamily Studios has managed to take that core gameplay loop from Angry Birds and make it work in VR. VR Furballs – Demolition is quite possibly the best version of this videogame genre available for VR headsets today and it’s not even finished yet. However, everyone and their dog has played a videogame of this ilk, so trying to convince VR players that VR Furballs – Demolition can offer something different and unique to their platform is another matter entirely.
via Mint VR