March 22, 202503:21:14 AM

Report: Sony’s PS5 Is Likely Several Years Away

Report: Sony’s PS5 Is Likely Several Years Away

There have been rumors swirling online about the potential for Sony to shock the world this year and do a sudden 2018 release of the PlayStation 5, perhaps even at E3 this summer. Despite the fact that history warns against such practices, the rumors have been gaining some weight. However, a recent report on Kotaku suggests otherwise.

According to Jason Schreier’s anonymous sources (which include both first and third party PlayStation developers) the next console from Sony is several years away. In fact, word on the street with actual developers seems to be hinting at a potential 2020 release date.

“On a multi-year project, a lot can happen to shift schedules both forward and backward,” states one of Schreier’s anonymous sources. “At some point, Sony’s probably looked at every possible date. It’s all about what they think is the best sweet spot in terms of hardware.”

Since the PS4 is nearly five years old and Sony has stated that this console life cycle will last longer than in year’s past, that general window checks out. I’d wager a holiday 2020 release is a pretty safe bet, if not, then potentially 2021.

From my perspective the farther away it is the better. The PS4 Pro and Xbox One X gave this generation a kick in the pants and it feels like PSVR is still figuring itself out — despite selling over 2 million units and firmly holding first place ahead of the Rift and Vive. When PSVR 2.0 finally does release (perhaps as a bundle or integrated into PS5?) the leap will feel even more dramatic. Especially if it’s backwards compatible. Hopefully Sony also considers better controllers and tracking systems than the archaic PS3-era PS Move.

What do you think of the future of PlayStation and PSVR? Let us know down in the comments below!

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