Skyrim VR is one of the most immersive games ever made, hands-down. The world is rich and beautiful, full of towns bustling with people to meet and adventures to go on. But one of the biggest issues is that it was never designed to be played in VR — at least, not originally. Many of the game’s quirks, such as its cumbersome and intrusive AI and archaic dialog system make it an absolute chore to play in VR sometimes.
Nothing breaks my immersion more quickly than having to cycle through choices of things to say in a conversation using my thumbstick. It just feels so insincere and reminds me that I’m not actually inside the game world at all. The Dragonborn Speaks Naturally mod aims to fix that.
With this mod installed you no longer have to pick through a list of options during conversations at all. Instead you can just read them out loud like an actual human being. A lot of players have been doing this anyway to increase their own immersion, so including real game support is a huge plus. We’ve seen a similar feature used in PSVR’s The Inpatient and sincerely hope more VR games adopt a method like this.
Luckily it sidesteps one of the main issues that still plagues the voice-activated spell switching mod we covered previously: miscommunication. The problem with that other mod is that it’s always listening to what you say, trying to decipher a command, which can lead to a lot of false positives. When using this mod, it knows to only listen for your voice during conversations so it won’t ever trigger anything during regular gameplay.
Detailed instructions on how to install and use the mod are found over on the Nexus mod page, but it’s all very straight forward when you understand how to mod Skyrim VR. And while you’re at it, why not add on a few dozen more mods to make the game look even more beautiful or increase your immersion further with a few handy tips.
For more on Skyrim VR make sure and read our full review of the PC version as well. Let us know what you think of this mod if you’ve tried it down in the comments below!
Tagged with: Bethesda, Skyrim VR
via Mint VR