March 22, 202510:17:18 PM

The Biggest PSVR Releases Of The Week 04/08/18

The Biggest PSVR Releases Of The Week 04/08/18


Still playing WipEout VR? Yeah, good call, but if you don’t have a Rift or Vive then there’s one big release you probably have been missing out on until now that could pull you away and it features a mad scientist + his grandson going on crazy adventures.

If you missed last week’s releases, you can see those here. UploadVR also launched the ‘UploadVR PSVR Community’ on PlayStation 4! Join up, find other gamers to play with, and engage in discussions with them. Also, don’t forget to check out our list of the 9 Best PlayStation VR Games if you need any extra inspiration.

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality, from Owlchemy Labs

Price: $29.99

The creators of Job Simulator expanded on that game’s core premise to deliver a hilarious adventure across multiple dimensions in this Rick and Morty VR extravaganza. Not to mention a spoof of Roy: A Life Well-Lived that’s sure to earn its fair share of replays. Definitely recommended for fans of Job Simulator or fans of the cartoon.

Read our full review and making of feature for more details.

Operation Warcade, from Ivanovich Games

Price: $19.99

Operation Warcade is like an arcade cabinet wave shooter transported into VR. The mechanics are fine, it plays well, and it captures the right tone, but it’s just not that inventive or fun to play in the grand scheme of things. Maybe worth it on a steep sale.

Time Carnage, from Wales Interactive

Price: $19.99

Time Carnage is another uninspired wave shooter that does nothing to move the genre forward or offer up a creative spin on existing tropes. You point, you shoot, you rinse, and you repeat. We’d recommend passing on this one.

Read our full review.

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