March 28, 202504:41:28 PM

The Biggest Rift, Vive And Windows VR Releases Of The Week 04/22/18

The Biggest Rift, Vive And Windows VR Releases Of The Week 04/22/18

There really isn’t a whole lot to talk about this week, save for a few experiences you should definitely keep an eye on if you’re a fan of certain types of VR.

DeathTolls Experience, from Ali Eslami
Price: $3.99 (Rift, Vive)

DeathTolls is an important VR story that looks at the casualties of the current terror crisis across Europe and the Middle East. It’s a harrowing experience that surrounds the user in the aftermath of terrible events, addressing the lack of concern shown for the loss of life. It’s the kind of VR experience you should really try.

MLB Home Run Derby VR, from MLB
Price: $19.99 (Vive)

MLB’s first official VR game offers pretty much what you’d expect; realistic batting across several of the most famous fields in the US. Use your motion controller to fine-tune your swing and score home runs for the team.

Firebird – The Unfinished, from Innerspace VR
Price: $4.99

This is an interactive musical experience that lasts about 20 minutes and is the next episode in the Firebird series of VR shorts. You might remember Le Peri, and if so, this is the direct follow-up to that. Music is from the wonderful Toronto Symphony Orchestra and features some absolutely beautiful ballet performances.

via Mint VR
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