Developer VRillAR have released Dead Ground: Arena, a virtual reality (VR) first-person arena mode shooter that is also a showcase for their upcoming title Dead GroundZ.
The title lets players take on the role of a secret agent for Blackrain, for whom they are sent on a range of challenging missions. In order to complete their objectives players will be able to choose from over twenty different weapons to fight against thirty different kinds of enemies. Each mission will test a players skill as they range from protecting hostages and VIPs to fighting through the ever-swelling hordes in confined spaces. Of course with weapons like a Freeze Ray to help out, players will have a strong fighting chance.
Dead Ground: Arena supports both teleport movement and direct player movement allowing players to find their ideal control scheme along with a number of options to ensure a smooth gaming experience. VRillAR hase many years of experience creating VR products and is now branching out into the videogame market with Dead GroundZ and Dead Ground: Arena. The ambitious Korean studio are making use of the powerful Unreal Engine 4 to bring their ideas to life and deliver a stunning VR experience that will engage players for hours all while entertaining them as much as possible.
Dead Ground: Arena is currently in early access and is designed to be the first glimpse at what the upcoming shooter Dead GroundZ has to offer. Though only a small taste of the complete package, the core gameplay systems will function the same allowing users the chance to take advantage of the freedom that the HTC Vive gives them. With fast paced, action filled moments throughout in atmospheric environments, players will need to think fast and react faster if they hope to survive this VR experience.
Dead Ground: Arena is available now in early access on Steam and Viveport for £11.39 (GBP) though there is currently a 34 percent launch sale on until April 20th on Steam. The title requires a HTC Vive in order to play.
For more on Dead Ground: Arena and Dead GroundZ in the future, keep reading VRFocus.
via Mint VR