March 24, 202510:01:22 PM

AiSolve Discuss Sharing Their Knowledge Of A.I Through G.A.I.A

AiSolve, a technology company that has been working on artificial intelligence (AI) for ten years recently talked to VRFocus about how they plan to share their AI framework, G.A.I.A, with developers to help them make more immersive virtual reality (VR) content.

AiSolve GAIA

AiSolve is a ten year old technology company that’s been using AI to create immersive and interactive 3D content” says Shauna Heller, President, North America, AiSolve Limited. “It’s only really been in the last 18 months that the name AiSolve has begun to make sense to people outside of our very specific industry. The founders created this AI framework very early on, which we call our internal framework G.A.I.A. G.A.I.A stands for Global Artificial Intelligence Application.”

The idea behind G.A.I.A was to offload a number of the smaller tasks within the companies immersive 3D content with the company having made a number of content packages in recent years. This includes a number of augmented reality (AR) and VR experiences alongside a lot of 3D models and assets. The AI framework sits on top of the Unity Engine and the Unreal Engine and has evolved to become the single most important tool for the team at AiSolve. Heller notes that this is thanks to the 10 years of development it has seen and because of this the company have been able to create a number of libraries which house a range of content, saving them time and money by allowing for repeated use.

AiSolve Clock Tower 2

Now, AiSolve are looking to introduce their tool suite to other developers, with as Heller explains the theory of “Let us share all the experiences and wisdom we’ve gathered over 10 years of developing an AI framework, let us share it with all the developers out there who don’t want to spend the time creating their own AI framework.”

This is the backbone of what the company is now trying to do but empowering other developers with the same tools and back-end that plugs into their immersive content without the need to build their own, one-off learning management systems. This includes AiSolve’s own analytics platform, allowing them to take the data of those using the training and simulation material and adjust their experiences according to the feedback.

Heller also mentioned that during the whole ten years the company has been operating they have been using the name AiSolve, which the founders came up with as away of letting everyone know that they were thinking about AI as a soluation, but also keeping it short and snappy so that costumers would remember it.

You can watch the full video below and for more on AiSolve and G.A.I.A in the future, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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