March 24, 202504:14:43 PM

Arizona Sunshine Campaign DLC Hits PC This Month, PSVR Soon

Arizona Sunshine Campaign DLC Hits PC This Month, PSVR Soon

The anticipated new campaign mission for Arizona Sunshine is very nearly here. At least it is for PC VR users.

Developers Vertigo Games and Jaywalkers Interactive recently confirmed that the Dead Man DLC, the first update to the zombie-shooting VR hit to focus on its campaign, will hit the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Windows VR headsets on 24th May. The PSVR version of the mission will be launching a little later on in June.

Dead Man serves as something of a prequel mission to the original game’s campaign. In it, you play as a soldier guarding a US missile base that becomes entangled in a plot to contain the growing zombie threat. Over the course of the mission you’ll fight to launch a missile that could help humanity turn the tide in the sudden war.

As with the main campaign, the mission can be played either in single-player or with a friend in co-op. There’s set to be three new guns to discover and three new masks to wear, while new difficulty settings, achievements and character customization options will also be featured.

Dead Man will cost just $2.49 at launch. We went hands-on with the DLC last month and it’s clear that anyone that enjoyed the original game will find a lot to love here too.

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