March 25, 202511:27:26 PM

Beat Saber Passes 100,000 Copies Sold In Less Than A Month

Beat Saber Passes 100,000 Copies Sold In Less Than A Month

Beat Saber, the smash hit VR rhythm game from Hyperbolic Magnetism, turns one month old in just a few days’ time. But the Star Wars-inspired game has already passed its second major sales milestone.

Yesterday Beat Saber’s official Twitter account revealed that the game has now passed 100,000 in sales. In mid-May we reported that it had sold 50,000 copies in its first week, and it hasn’t taken long to double that number. Hyperbolic thanked fans for their support in the message.

Beat Saber has players slashing notes that arrive in time with a beat using what are essentially two lightsabers. It’s only available in Early Access right now with 10 official songs to master though, as the Twitter post confirms, Hyperbolic is also working on finishing off the Level Editor so that anyone can make tracks with their own sound files. It’s also working on its own new tracks, putting out a call to artists a few weeks back. Fans, meanwhile, have embraced the game with their own tracks and even mods that have allowed them to play the game like Darth Maul and more.

Looking further ahead there’s also a PSVR version of the game in the works. There’s plenty more to come from Beat Saber, then.

via Mint VR
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