March 23, 202506:59:05 AM

Competition: Own The World, And (Most) Everything In It With AstroReality

Welcome to the second competition of the week here on VRFocus. Yes, you read that right. If you missed it on your feeds earlier in the week we’re actually having two competitions this week. The first went up on Tuesday and you’ve still got time to enter it if you want to be in with the chance of getting a free code for Fruit For The Village –  a videogame where you need to balance resources as you try to guide survivors through a future torn about by a combination of war and global warming.  Yes, it seems as if humanity hasn’t taken very good care of the world in that future.

AstroReality - EARTHI wonder how you would cope if you were tasked with looking after the whole world.
Let’s find out!

In a rather unusual turn of events, VRFocus are offering you the chance to own the Earth itself in today’s competition. Okay, maybe not the real one. After all, have you read the news lately? You don’t need all that bother clearly. Instead we’ve teamed up with AstroReality to give you the chance to take home EARTH, and that’s EARTH with some heavy emphasis on the AR. If you like space, geography. geology or science in general, you’re going to love this. It’s a a 3D-printed, hand-painted globe of our world. That, through augmented reality (AR) and and an artificial intelligence-driven app takes you through time to explore the planet’s geological changes, plant and wildlife, track the changes to the environment the world’s weather patterns and more.

AstroReality already do a mini set of the entire solar system on their website, plus a model of the moon, cunningly called LUNAR They even do notepads which have the same effects.  For the big version of the EARTH the team have turned to Kickstarter to fund its creation. Now the winner would have received the EARTH regardless of this, however at the time of writing with well 40 days still to go on the campaign AstroReality’s Kickstarter for EARTH is funded nearly twice over!

AstroReality - EARTHMuch like the Earth, we only have one EARTH to give away in a prize draw. For those unfamiliar with competitions on VRFocusentry is made (predominantly) via interaction with our social media accounts. So, if you, say, visited our Facebook page then you’ll get an entry – and if you happened to follow us on there when you got there that’d be pretty swell of you. For this draw we’ll be giving you two entries if you also check out the AstroReality Kickstarter campaign yourself. So, plenty of chances to enter. All you need to do is interact with the Gleam app below.

The competition will be open a week. Beginning today and ending at midnight UK time on June 1st, 2018. The draw will be made shortly after this

You can find the app here.

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