March 28, 202505:46:16 PM

Life In 360°: Space And Vaders

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away today’s edition of Life in 360° wasn’t about spaceships, lightsabers and the battle of good vs evil.  Instead it was about sharks. Just… sharks. Then I saw the date, and naturally it made sense to push that back just a little bit and endulge in some Star Wars like, I imagine, every other website will today. 

Star Wars - Darth Vader Character ArtFortunately, there are a number of 360 degree videos featuring the Star Wars universe and we have indeed featured some on this section before. Today though we’ve got something else. A fan-made 360 degree short that features, naturally fans in various acting roles. The quality of it is… well, the acting isn’t the best frankly. Several people apparently being made entirely out of ham.

In STAR WARS 360 VR – Hunting of the Fallen, the story goes that Darth Vader is distracted. Distracted by the hunt for the remaining Jedi, and the belief that just maybe his old master Obi Wan Kenobi might just be alive. Despite the Emperor’s insistance that he should put it out of his mind, Vader continues to investigate. Elsewhere a group of surviving Jedi are meeting, plotting and planning. A clash is inevitable.

“We are so happy to present you our Star Wars Fan-film called Hunting of the Fallen 360 VR . The reason why we made this film was simple. We love Star Wars universe. After many tests in virtual reality we asked SW groups REBEL LEGION and 501 GARRISON, if they could help us to make our dream come true and other SW fans. We love think that we can help together to sick children in hospitals and conjure up smiles when they are in the movie and looking face to face with Darth Vader, flighting in space or be part of Jedi fighting.”

You can check out the video below – and may the Force be with you.

via Mint VR
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