March 30, 202503:38:35 AM

Live Event App Oculus Venues Launches Today On Go And Gear VR

Live Event App Oculus Venues Launches Today On Go And Gear VR

Oculus Venues is Facebook’s portal for live event entertainment, launching today on Oculus Go and Gear VR. The one-stop app is building up to feature a piece of live entertainment almost every single night for the next three months. The first event starts tonight at 7:30PM PT and will feature live music from Vance Joy. Following that event are an assortment of MLB games, comedy shows, and more.

Oculus Venues also has social features, much Oculus Rooms and other upcoming entertainment apps, letting you connect with friends and fans from around the world. It’s basically like a single ticket that gets you into all of the best lives shows.

Here is the full list of planned events from today through the end of August, which covers about three months of scheduled content, although it is reportedly “depending on your location” as well:

Coming “later this summer” Oculus also teased content from Showtime, Lionsgate films, new concerts, live NBA Leage Pass games, as well as additional NextVR events, and MLB games.

All of the content sounds promising, but it’s going to take more than a few one-off comedy shows, sports games, and old movies to really turn VR into a social hang out space that people voluntarily visit on a regularly basis. Nevertheless, this could be a step in that direction. First, let me watch the Super Bowl in VR from home, then we can talk.

Let us know what you think down in the comments below! Download Oculus Venues now for Go or Gear VR.

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