March 25, 2025

Oculus Announce DLC Support For Oculus Mobile Platform

Oculus announced an exciting new feature on their Oculus Developer blog earlier this week which allows developers to build support for DLC into their virtual reality (VR) titles. This is made possible thanks to Oculus making changes to allow for support for multiple dynamic expansion files. This is a system which is often used when looking to add downloadable content (DLC) to a title and with this new addition, the Oculus Mobile platform is now suited for DLC.

Oculus Go GDC Promo 03

The new feature is currently in beta but it means that developers will be able to launch new content for an application that already exists on the Oculus Mobile Store. Whether this new content is adding an extra character or a new level into a videogame or bringing additional images and media files to experiences, the new DLC support will enable larger application sizes and additional revenue opportunities for developers.

For consumers, these new features mean that DLC content will be coming to Oculus Mobile VR titles very soon which some users will see as a good and a bad thing. There is no mention on the Oculus Developer blog about if the DLC content that is uploaded will need to have a price attached to it meaning that free DLC for titles may also be on the horizon. It will be sometime until developers being rolling out various DLC add-ons for their titles so how these feature shapes the Oculus Mobile store front is still to be seen.

Oculus Rift

One thing to note is that with additional content possibly coming to titles the issue around storage space will be one to watch. With the Oculus Go having shipped with 32GB of storage built-in, any major DLC add-on’s to a title might see this filling up rather fast. Of course, Oculus have mentioned that USB storage support is planned for the Oculus Go in the future.

As mentioned, this new DLC feature is currently in beta and developers are being encouraged to “experiment with it using Release Channels before pushing asset files or DLC to live users.” with support for Oculus Rift “coming soon.”

For more stories like this in the future and all the latest on Oculus, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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