March 24, 2025

Playable Demo of Dystopic Sci-fi Thriller ManMade Available Now

A few months ago CBILAB VR Studios announced plans to bring its in-development virtual reality (VR) title ManMade to crowd-funding platform Kickstarter. The original plan was to launch the campaign at the end of that month, this has now changed to the end of May. In the run up to the Kickstarter release CBILab VR Studios has today released a playable demo to entice gamers.


ManMade is a futuristic sci-fi adventure set in 2050’s Istanbul, Turkey. The main story revolves around Kaan, who is the father of the most advanced AI in the world. Once a devoted AI advocate, an accident changed the course of his life, putting him at odds with the system he helped create.

In the videogame you can control one of two characters, Kaan, and Anika, another AI developer. In this detective-like experience players can explore the world from the viewpoint of two different people who have different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. As the title unfolds they’ll need to keep their eyes out for clues along the way, exploring the scenes to provide useful information later on, unraveling the truth, and persuading people.

Talking about ManMade, Bora Helvacioglu, Art Director of CBILAB VR Studios said: “We hope to deliver a cinematic experience of what life could be like in a dystopian AI ruled future. To do that, we used real actors through 3D digital scanning. The goal is to make the game feel like an epic movie experience that you are a part of.”


If that sounds like your sort of VR experience then the ManMade demo is available today from the official website for HTC Vive.

Discussing the playable demo, Yiğit Bekir Kaya, CEO, and Co-founder of CBILAB VR Studios comments: “Gameplay has been one of our focal points in ManMade. We believed that we should share with you how passionate we are about this element before our Kickstarter campaign starts. The gameplay demo is still a work in progress, undergoing constant development and tweaking to reach our desired expectations. We have the capability to expand and refine our current gameplay experience to reach those expectations, process which is tied to constraints like funding and time, which are our main reasons to start a crowdfunding campaign.”

ManMade will be available via Kickstarter on 31st May 2018. Support is planned for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, PC, PlayStation and PlayStation VR. For further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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