March 26, 202511:28:37 PM

PSVR’s Firewall: Zero Hour To Featue Upgradable Weapons, Single Player Mode

PSVR’s Firewall: Zero Hour To Featue Upgradable Weapons, Single Player Mode

It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything about Firewall: Zero Hour, arguably the most exciting game on the horizon for PlayStation VR (PSVR) right now. A few more drips of info have just been discovered on PlayStation’s official website, though.

A new listing for the First Contact Entertainment-developed multiplayer shooter has just been discovered, confirming several new features about the game. Firstly, the page notes that players will be able to pick from 12 experienced mercenaries, though we’re not sure if these characters will have varying gameplay styles of if this is merely a cosmetic choice. We do know, however, that weapons will be upgradable.

There’s also some info about the game’s three main modes. We already knew that the competitive option features two teams of four facing off in attack-and-defend missions, but First Contact is also developing a single-player ‘Training Mode’ for players to test their skills in. This will feature nine different scenarios. Hopefully there’s an element of replayability to these missions and they’re not just simple tutorials, but we’ll have to wait to find out.

Next up is a co-op mode. This sees four players defend themselves against squads of AI troops to earn cash and experience points, which can presumably be used to upgrade weapons and more.

We still don’t know when Firewall will be launching, though the game did recently get an MA15+ rating in Australian classifications. The game is set to support the PlayStation Aim controller as well as Move controllers and the DualShock 4.

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