March 26, 202506:43:39 AM

Renzo Racer Introduced VR Support

Since the release of Mario Kart on the Super Nintendo way back when, kart racers have gradually developed into their own independent sub-genre, identifiable by colourful graphics and simple arcade-style gameplay. Renzo Racer is bringing this into virtual reality (VR) with its newly introduced VR support.

Renzo Racer is a kart racer that was released last year to Steam Early Access. The development team at EnsenaSoft have now introduced support for VR to enable users of HTC Vive, Oculus Rift or Windows Mixed Reality to try it out.

The developers describe the title as a fun and fast-paced cartoon kart racer where users can select from a range of sixteen different animal-themed characters and their unusual vehicles to race down twenty different tracks in an attempt to walk away with the trophy.

Tracks are littered with obstacles, such as scattered rocks, block ice, fallen trees and oil slicks, and some of the objects can be wrecked by driving through them at high speed. Some tracks even let you take to the water to race with boats instead of karts.

The VR compatibility allows users with a Xbox-style controller and a VR headset to engage with the action in VR. The development team have also announced they are working on two-player support, which they hope to implement soon.

There are plans to include power ups and a full tournament mode plus local multiplayer in the full version of the title once it is ready for release, and the development team are asking for suggestions and feedback from the Steam community on what needs to be improved and added before the full release.

It isn’t currently known how long the title will remain in early access, though the developers originally estimated up to 12 months. Renzo Racer is available on Steam Early Access, priced at £3.99 (GBP). Further information can be found on the Steam Store page.

For future coverage on new and upcoming VR content, hardware and services, keep checking back with VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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