Today, Vertigo Games (Arizona Sunshine) has got a couple of treats instore for virtual reality (VR) strategy fans. Skyworld, which mixes both real-time and turn-based strategy elements together is getting some new DLC, Lost Worlds. Plus for those who have yet to purchase the title there’s a free weekend about to take place.
Skyworld – Lost Worlds DLC launches today as a free update adding two new playable Skyworlds as well as a range of new avatar masks to the videogame. The first takes players to a desert world inspired by the ancient Egyptians, with a giant pyramid in the centre and massive stone obelisks to wage war between. While the other is a hostile realm with a scorching hot volcano a its core.
As for the free weekend that starts today, 10am PT. Until Sunday, VR gamers and strategy fans play Skyworld and its newly released Lost Worlds DLC for free on on Steam and Oculus Home on HTC Vive, Windows Mixed Reality and Oculus Rift. As an additional bonus for newcomers, Skyworld can be purchased with a 50 percent discount until Monday 21st May.
Blending both turn-based empire building and fast-paced real-time battles, Skyworld is a full-feature VR strategy experience that includes a story-based single-player campaign, skirmish mode and online competitive multiplayer. Players have to manage their population, buildings & resources turn-by-turn whilst building a powerful, balanced deck with 4 categories: land, air, ranged & spells.
VRFocus reviewed Skyworld when it launched a couple of months ago, giving it a worthy four star rating, saying: “Skyworld is difficult, and these battles aren’t easily won until you’ve significantly improved your forces – that’s if you manage to in the first place. With this inmindSkyworld certainly won’t be for everyone simply due to its difficulty. But for those tacticians after a challenge Skyworld is definitely one of the best RTS style VR titles available.” For further updates on Skyworld, keep reading VRFocus.
via Mint VR