March 24, 202507:12:26 PM

Tasty Brains AR Interview, Learn How To Start A Zombie Apocalypse

If for some reason you have been wanting to the cause of a zombie infection taking over the world then you will be glad to hear that Immersion have made it possible. Tasty Brains AR, Immersion’s latest augmented reality (AR) app gives users the power to lead a small army of zombies on the hunt for those tasty, tasty brains. VRFocus’ Nina Salomons sat down with Piotr Baczynski, CEO of Immersion, to discuss the new title and find out what players can expect in this interesting title.

Tasty Brains AR

One of the first things that Baczynski mentioned is the support for AR on mobile devices, noting the recent release of ARCore and ARKit allowing them to target millions of devices. Because of these technologies more devices then ever are AR ready meaning players can jump right into some exciting, immersive experiences much like Tasty Brains AR.

When talking about the inspiration behind the title Baczynski explains that the idea for using AR came from how immersive and cool it is for players to see the action unfolding around them. The cities that players will be trying to take over are always different and have their own challenges that need to be overcome. Baczynski mentions that speed is important because their cities are trying to defending themselves so if a player takes to long the cities might get support from the army, special forces or even nukes.

Tasty Brains AR

As for the size of the cities this controlled by the player as well there is a lot of freedom in how players can approach each city. Players can play Tasty Brains AR in their front room on their coffee table or even play on the size of a basketball court which will require some walking around to keep up with all the action.

Immersion are of course well experienced in making immersive content with a number of projects under their belt including Immersion Chess, which allows players the chance to play the classic game in virtual reality (VR). With Tasty Brains AR the company is looking to bring a unique AR experience to players that takes full advantage of their mobile device and brings their surroundings into play.

For more on Tasty Brains AR in the future keep reading VRFocus and you can watch the full interview below.

via Mint VR
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