March 17, 202507:30:16 AM

The Biggest PSVR Releases Of The Week 05/06/18

The Biggest PSVR Releases Of The Week 05/06/18

A solid week of PSVR releases awaits you here. From sports to art, there’s a nice mix on non-violent VR to dig into.

2MD: VR Football, from Truant Pixel
Price: $12.99

This is a noble attempt to bring a realistic football experience to the world of VR with full game planning and training. 2MD focuses on throwing and charging to let you fulfill your football fantasies. Use two Move controllers to make your plays and become the king of the field.

CoolPaintr VR, from Singular People
Price: $19.99

PSVR finally gets its own version of Tilt Brush, albeit unofficially. CoolPaintr lets your paint in a 3D space using your Move controllers. Craft beautiful works of art (or horrific monstrosities, if you have my art skills) and then share them with friends. Can be played with a DualShock 4, too.

Megadimension Neptunia VIIR, from Idea Factory International
Price: $59.99

There seems to be a new Megadimension game every five seconds, so I guess it was inevitable that there’d be a VR spin-off at some point. Actually, it sounds like this just has a special VR mode in which you meet the cast of the series and hang out with them one-on-one. It looks a little creepy, and $60 is a lot to pay for a VR mode.

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