March 16, 202506:28:13 PM

The Excellent To The Top Is Coming To PSVR This Month

The Excellent To The Top Is Coming To PSVR This Month

One of our favorite VR games of 2017 is finally making its way to PlayStation VR (PSVR) later this month.

Electric Hat Games’ brilliant VR platformer, To The Top, is launching on PS4 on May 29th. That is according to a pre-order listing for the game on the European PlayStation Store, which also confirms that Panic Button is handling the port. That’s the studio that’s also bringing Wolfenstein II to the Switch, so it knows a thing or two about ports to less powerful hardware. We’ve reached out to both studios to confirm the release date for the port.

Set in a distant future, To the Top has players racing through sci-fi cities like animals by using their hands to bound along the ground and leap across gaps, grabbing onto vertical ledges. The game’s unique locomotion system became one of our favorite ways to move in VR last year and has served as inspiration for lots of titles since.

The game used motion controllers for its navigation, though we’re hoping the PSVR port is still quite capable.

We gave To The Top 9/10 in our review. “It’s gameplay is simple, but addictive, and rewards skillful play while never demanding you become an expert all at once,” we said. Since then the game has even been updated with huge new features like multiplayer support. Definitely one to check out, then, especially if you liked other VR racing games like Sprint Vector.

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