March 18, 202509:27:51 AM

Wield the Power of Airport Security When TSA Frisky Lands This Month

If you’ve ever flown abroad then you’ll know all about the stress of getting through airport security, long lines, trying to correctly split all your stuff into plastic trays, forgetting that metal belt buckle that sets off the metal detectors and of course the security personnel who never look happy to be there. Well soon you’ll be able to see what it’s like from their point of view (kind of) when indie developer Out There Entertainment launch TSA Frisky later this month. 

TSA Frisky

In TSA Frisky you play a TSA agent working at an airport security checkpoint. Your daily role will be to frisk passengers and rummage through luggage searching for contraband items to achieve that juicy management promotion. But it’s not all fun and games as this is a stressful job so you’ll have to manage your stress levels to avoid blacking out whilst clearing passengers and their suitcases through the check point.

“[The team] liked the idea of taking the dreaded security check at the airport and use VR to really exploit the fun in that,” said Remy Bustani, one of the founders of the videogame. “VR is a unique platform and gives us as developers the tools to take something out of real life and make something fun out of it.”

Not only will you be frisking passengers and disposing contraband in the appropriate bin, you’ll be able to earn upgrades  such as a full body scanner to improve detection and score more points for that promotion. There is a trade off however, as the more you progress and unlock the greater the stress becomes as you’ll have to deal with more people in a shorter amount of time.

TSA Frisky

TSA Frisky is scheduled to launch via Steam on 17th May 2018 for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Windows Mixed Reality headsets. You can take a look at the title ahead of release by playing the demo currently available on Steam. For further updates on TSA Frisky, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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