The PlayStation VR is a fine bit of virtual reality equipment, which offers some great videogaming experiences without needing to invest the time and money in buying or building a VR-capable PC rig. However, the PlayStation Vr in its current form does have some drawbacks, something which we hope the next iteration of the device will fix. So, here’s is a list of features we at VRFocus would like to see in the next version of the PlayStation VR.
It’s quite likely that we won’t see another PlayStation VR announced until the PlayStation 5 is ready for announcement, but speculation and wishing is fun, so here we go:
Higher Resolution Displays
In recent months we’ve seen announcements from companies who have revealed details of displays intended for use in VR that have truly ludicrous graphical capabilities, such as the TFT LCD display from Japan Display Inc (JDI) which is capable of an astounding 1001ppi, or pixels per inch on a 3.25 inch display.
For context, the current PlayStation VR has a 368ppi display, while the Oculus Rift has a 461ppi, and even the HTC Vive Pro can only boast a display of 615ppi.
What is especially interesting here is that JDI is the result of a joint venture between Hitachi, Toshiba and… Sony.
So is it possible that we will see this super-high resolution display in the next PlayStation VR? We can only hope.
A New Motion Controller
Re-using the PlayStation Move was a brilliant move on Sony’s part, no doubt saving the money and creating a new use for that old stock they probably had lying around in a dusty warehouse. However, the technology for the PlayStation Move is now a generation out-of-date and is showing its age, something which many users have noticed, and also a topic I’ve visited before.
A patent filed by Sony showed a possible design for a new type of controller, one with a much-demanded thumbstick and possibly even individual finger tracking, something that SteamVR/HTC Vive have also been working on.
Either way, Sony will need to move on from the PlayStation Move for the next generation of VR hardware.
Improved Motion-Tracking
Related to the above somewhat. The PlayStation VR replies on the PlayStation Camera for its tracking, which means that if the headset or, more commonly, the controller is out of view of the camera, you lose tracking.
Some leaks have suggested that Sony are working on a system which would allow the headset to independently track the controllers, creating a kind of motion-tracking daisy chain that means the controllers will be in much less danger of being occluded. Its possible that this could work the other way around, with the controllers proving tracking info for the headset if you are turned away from the camera.
This of course will mean that the developers and engineers will need to ensure that lag stags at a minimum, since latency is the enemy of good VR.
Wireless Transmission
No, wait. I’ve changed my mind. I’m good.
Oh fine. Yes, for many people being able to use a PlayStation VR without the encumbrance of cables would be awesome, but there is currently no indication that this technology is in the works for the PlayStation VR.
via Mint VR