March 25, 202502:25:27 PM

Become A Superhero in VR With First Impact: Rise of a Hero, Now Available

Have you ever wanted to be a superhero? Well, in First Impact: Rise of a Hero you can do just that as this virtual reality (VR) title puts you into the shoes of a citizen turned superhero who must save the day. With mysterious meteors falling towards Earth, players will need to uncover the truth behind this event and go up against a number of villains in this comic book styled title.

First Impact Rise of a Hero

Developed by Red Meat Games, First Impact: Rise of a Hero is an open-world, action-role playing game (RPG) where players have command over the elements and must take to the skies to complete their mission. Along the way you will meet supportive character who are linked into the story, also wanting to uncover the truth along with the aforementioned villains.

The freedom to explore the city within this title is made possible thanks to your newly found powers of flight, allowing players to press a button and race between buildings, among the clouds all while avoiding birds and airplanes. Of course using the power of the elements will also be a key part of your success as you unleash the four elements to defend the Earth.

First Impact Rise of a Hero

One element of the title that is sure to make players happy is an interactive environment, allowing you to pick up objects and use them in your fight against evil. Why not steal your neighbors car and use it as a hammer to beat down your attackers? The possibilities are endless. All of this is brought to live within an immersive, comic book art style that offers a unique experience for players to enjoy.

First Impact: Rise of a Hero is available now on Steam for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, with a non-VR version available as well. Take note, there is currently two version listed on the store but this is an error and the developers have confirmed, it is the cheaper £15.49 (GBP) version people should purchase. They are currently working with Valve to remove the other, older version which released by mistake.

VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on First Impact: Rise of a Hero in the future along with the teams other project, Bring to Light, so stay tuned for more.

via Mint VR
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