March 22, 202501:36:09 PM

Digital Catapult Launch Three Reports To Explore The UK’s Immersive Ecosystem.

Digital Catapult, the UK’s leading advanced digital technology innovation centre, which looks to drive early adoption of technologies to help make UK business more competitive and productive to grow he country’s economy, have launched three reports which highlights key trends in the UK’s immersive ecosystem.

Digital Catapult

The reports have been produced in partnership with Limina Immersive, Opposable Group and Tech Spark, Nesta and i2 Media Research. All three of the published reports aim to bring practical advice to virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) players within the UK, helping to encourage further developments and competition.

Providing an overview of the range of creative, immersive content experiences which have been released over the last five years, the first report titled Immersive Content Formats Fur Future Audiences, looks to identify patterns within the industry. Understanding these patterns and trying to make the next trend can be key to creating a successful product that fits within the current market state.

The second report, Creative Tools and Workflows for Immersive Content Creation, explores what the top ten immersive content makers within the UK are using to build their experiences. With a range of powerful tools available for developers and studios of all sizes to use, such as the Unreal Engine 4, having insight onto some of the best practices to use and what software can improve efficiency helps to save time and money.

Lastly, the Evaluating Immersive User Experience and Audience Impact report considers a research methodology for testing and evaluating experimental immersive content that is being developed at the moment, to help predict potential audience appetite, cultural impact, and commercial opportunity in the future.

Digital Catapult

“The flurry of creative content innovation over the last few years has led to a wealth of brilliant and varied experiences. The challenge now is to draw insight from them to make the next generation of content even better. By helping new players take rapid advantage of Britain’s immersive leadership, our creative economy will continue to grow at pace.” Says Rebecca Gregory-Clarke, Lead Technologist for Immersive at Digital Catapult.

With the release of these reports, Digital Catapult is continuing to contribute to the UK’s immersive sector by providing content creators with valuable insights into the current and future state of the market. With a number of different resources available including workshops and reports, Digital Catapult is driven to ensure the UK’s industry is strong for years to come.

For more on Digital Catapult in the future, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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