March 24, 2025

OnBuy.Com Report: UK Consumers Not Yet Ready For AR Smartglasses

OnBuy.Com has examined findings gathered from Mindshare during a survey of over 1,000 UK smartphone users with regards to the perception of augmented reality (AR) and how AR is best experienced.

The compiled results found that the majority of British users would prefer to experience social media containing AR effects through smartphones rather than smartglasses.

Most of the results indicated that users would primarily prefer to interact with AR content through smartphones over smartglasses. This goes for such areas as:

Connected packaging, where consumers scan a QR code to see branded AR content, with 82% preferring to access this with a smartphone as opposed to 18% with smartglasses.

When using online shopping tools for such features as AR to visualise items before buying, with 71% preferring smartphones to 29% on smartglasses.

Also when it comes to using AR for instructions for tasks such as DIY and cooking, users would prefer to use smartphones, with 67% as opposed to 33% preferring smartglasses.

However, when it comes to wayfinding and navigation purposes 38% of British users would consider using smartglasses for that use, though in this area smartphones are still the preference for 62% of users.

Cas Paton, Managing Director of commented: “With established brands in several industries already incorporating augmented reality capabilities within their applications, it is ushering in a fascinating new era of immersive technology. An era where the digital and physical world is effortlessly blended by the technologies which underpin AR to create deeper interactions and experiences for consumers. This research certainly shows that Brits are receptive and excited by the different types of experiences created by AR, though their current preference to enjoy them seems to be through smartphones rather than smart glasses. Though as smart glasses become more prominent and their adoption rate increases, the gap between the two devices for AR related activities will surely get narrower.”

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via Mint VR
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