March 26, 202507:57:58 AM

PlayStation VR Version of Skyrim VR Gets Visual Upgrade

One of the minor downsides of playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR on PlayStation VR was that its graphics were widely considered to be somewhat lacking when compared with its PC-based virtual reality (VR) counterpart. Luckily, Bethesda have taken some steps to rectify this with its latest update.

The new patch for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR, patch, adds improved graphical fidelity for PlayStation 4 users, particularly for those using the PlayStation 4 Pro as well as introducing a new main menu experience.

Skyrim VR: VRFocus' Adventuring Life screenshot

A common criticism of the PlayStation VR version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR was that the graphics were considered un-detailed and ‘muddy’, which threw into sharp relief the difference between the PC VR and PlayStation VR versions. Bethesda has promised that the latest updates brings with it globally improved visual fidelity

The patch also fixes another common complaint from PlayStation VR users, where players who were using the PlayStation Move controllers could see the controllers rendered within the game world when weapons were sheathed, something which was widely considered an immersion breaker. There is now an option marked ‘Show hands when sheathed’ which replaced the PlayStation Move model with hand models.

Another improvement involves how the use of a bow is implemented. Previously using a bow involved only one PlayStation Move controller, with the new patch, users can use two controllers in a fashion similar to other titles such as Ancient Amuletor and Apex Construct, presented a much more intuitive and natural control scheme.

Skyrim VR: VRFocus' Adventuring Life screenshot

There are other minor tweaks as well, such as a new main menu, adjusted angles for spell casting and map marker information along with fixes for various bugs.

The full patch notes have been posted to the Bethesda forums. As usual VRFocus will be sure to keep you updated on any other information about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR as well as other VR apps and videogames.

via Mint VR
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