The Walking Dead: Our World Mobile AR Game Releasing This July

The Walking Dead: Our World Mobile AR Game Releasing This July

Pokemon Go ignited a fiery passion for staring at phone screens while walking around outside so it was only a matter of time before more brands latched onto the concept. The Walking Dead: Our World is an upcoming mobile AR game created in partnership between Next Games and AMC. It’s due out for release on July 12th for both iOS and Android mobile device.

Here’s the release date announcement trailer:

In The Walking Dead: Our World you’ll walk around and explore the real world, kill zombies, rescue survivors, and level up your characters and gear in this real-world meets zombie-world mashup.

An opportunity existed to integrate some survival horror elements into the experience as well, like Night Terrors does, but it seems like they’ve gone the accessible first-person shooter route instead. It doesn’t seem like zombies will be much of a threat in this one.

You can see some actual gameplay here:

Do you intend on slaying zombies with friends in AR when this releases in just a couple of weeks? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments below!

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