Virtual reality (VR) and 360-degree video has already been successfully used to bring live music experiences and innovative music videos to fan. Now, Los Angeles-based creative studio VR Playhouse has teamed up with director/producer Fifer Garbesi to introduce music fans to the godfather of the Cuban Rave Scene.
The 360-degree film ¡Viva La Evolución! Takes viewers on a journey through the electronic music scene of Cuba, showing the life of Joyvan Guevara, who is known in Cuba as Djoy de Cuba, a driving force in the Cuban race scene.
The film will show Guevara’s work in the electronic dance music scene, and ive an insight into his daily life. From his efforts at the deck during an epic all-night rave which sorted out the powr, to his rides on a scooter as he comments on how times are changing.
Director Garbasi said the aim was to capture the vitality of possibility of this period, where Cuba faces many changes, and at the same time show views the effervescent spirit of Joyvan Guevara and his influence on the Cuban music scene.
The creators of the film make a point of showing how Cuba mostly lacks modern digital technology that many of us would take for granted, while displaying the colour and life of the culture and its electronic dance scene and noting how the Cuban tech sector is now developing rapidly.
“I really wanted to show that this music adopted these different sounds from all around the world,” notes Garbesi. “But also incorporate this incredible Cuban tradition of amazing percussion.”
VR Playhouse faced several restrictions in its attempt to capture the footage, coming up against the rigid government guidelines and having all but one camera confiscated at customs, but the creators tried to turn the setbacks into positives by creating a more intimate portrait of Cuba and Djoy de Cuba.
A 360-degree trailer for the film is available to view below, and the full experience can be found on Facebook 360, Littlestar, Oulus Video Samsung VR, VeeR, Vimeo 360 and YouTube 360. VRFocus will continue to report on new and upcoming VR and 360-degree experiences.
via Mint VR