VRFocus Talk With Cybershoes About Their Upcoming Product

The ever growing lineup of virtual reality (VR) gaming peripherals has made way for interesting developments in how users interact with their favourite VR title. Cybeshoes is one such product in which players are able to actually walk within virtual space thanks to the product attaching to the user’s shoes/feet. During the recent Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2018 show, VRFocus’ Nina Salomons was able to catch up with Michael Bieglmayer, Cybershoes’ CEO to talk about their upcoming product.


The Cybershoes work by offering the user an affordable and innovative way to navigate within virtual space all thanks to the movement of their own legs. By sitting on a rotating chair or stool, a user is then able to have complete 360-degree freedom to explore to their heart’s content.

“So we make the shoes for walking in VR, we’re the first VR shoe makers.” Bieglmayer explains: “We said ‘Hey there’s this big virtual reality out there and you can’t walk in it’ so we make shoes for walking in virtual reality. We emulate the touchpad of the controller so it is already working with the games that feature some kind of movement.”

Cybershoes are designed to work with plenty of titles including all of the popular ones currently available on the market. In the interview, which you can watch in full below, the product was being demonstrated with DOOM VFR however as Bieglmayer mentions, many more games are supported. “So all the popular games from Bethesda studios are really awesome, and I personally love Arizona Sunshine.” So long as a title supports touchpad input for movement it is possible to get the Cybershoes working with it.

Users will have the option to use Cybershoes in a number of different ways depending on their play style. As Bieglmayer explains: “So there are different modes. You can either follow the gaze or you follow the shoes and the gaze is separate from the walking movement and you can also do like jumps, so yeah different stuff. We also support attacking and picking things up from the ground also.” Yes, you can kick with Cybershoes if you so wish.

Cybershoes are planning to launch a Kickstarter in the near future and VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on the product in the future. You can find the full interview from E3 2018 below as well.

via Mint VR
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