March 26, 202507:35:00 AM

Watch John Cusack In The Trailer For VR Thriller Distorted Reality

Watch John Cusack In The Trailer For VR Thriller Distorted Reality

Another well-known Hollywood name is placing his bets on VR being the next big thing. This time it’s John Cusack, and you can already see him in this 360 degree trailer for Distorted Reality.

As with recent VR projects starring Nicolas Cage and John Travolta, Distorted Reality is a tie-in to an upcoming theatrical film that expands on the story with exclusive 360 degree footage. It’s produced by Minds Eye Entertainment and SkyVR and will be distributed via OneTouchVR.

Distorted Reality follows a woman (Christina Ricci) that suffers from bipolar that begins to suspect the features in her new automated home are really being used for a brainwashing plot. Judging by the trailer, Cusack’s role is a little more mysterious. The film was shot using 16 GoPro cameras fitted to the Odyssey rig, allowing for stereoscopic action.

It looks sort of interesting though we’re yet to see a live action VR movie that feels cinematic in tone; shooting everything on a GoPro gives the trailer a sort of fan-made feel, not that that necessarily means the project itself is amateur.

Distorted Reality is available now on Google Daydream, Oculus Go, Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift and iOS.

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