March 18, 202503:08:04 AM

Humanity Is On The Brink In Naked Sun, Coming To PC Later This Month

If there’s one thing we can be sure about what “the future” entails it’s that it apparently won’t be an incremented version of the present. It’ll either be an amazing utopia of high technology or high ideas or… it’ll be a disaster. A dystopia caused by either some form of nuclear holocaust bringing on a Mad Max-like situation or alternatively the uprising of the robots.

Naked SunIn Naked Sun, a virtual reality (VR) first-person shooter by the UK-based developer Door Z it’s mostly the latter that has occurred. The machines have risen up against humanity and things haven’t gone that well for us. Humanity is on the brink, and the only way things are going to improve is to launch a daring attack on the global capital in Mexico City. Starting in a cargo train your goal is to make it through and take down the city’s automated defences or die trying.

“At the start of the 23rd century, humans finally lost the Earth to artificial intelligence. Machines turned against their creators as every android was updated with a new prime directive: Eliminate all humans. Abandoned cities, high radiation levels, and the constant android threat has pushed humanity to the brink of extinction. A handful of survivors hide in the Deadlands – ruins of ancient cities destroyed by nuclear wars – and are doggedly fighting back. However, the enemy is stronger – and the only way humans can survive is to attack.”

Operating at 180 degrees of action only, Naked Sun will be coming to the Steam and Oculus Stores next Tuesday, July 17th. It’ll be doing so at $11.19 (USD), 30% off the regular price of $15.99 for a week only.  The title will also be coming to consoles later this year with a PlayStation VR version expected near the end of August.  You can check out a trailer for the game below.

via Mint VR
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