Developer Nordic Trolls released their virtual reality (VR) fantasy action role-playing game (RPG) Karnage Chronicles into Steam Early Access back in April 2017. Since then the title has received a number of updates including support for Oculus Rift. Now, the developers have published an update on the titles promised multiplayer portion along with how they plan to get the community involved.
Karnage Chronicles puts players into a fantasy world full of monsters and creatures that will stand in their way of exploring dark dangerous and finding all the treasure that awaits inside. With a world full of swords, sorcery and hack and slash gameplay, players will quickly find themselves letting loose in this immersive world full of opportunity. Taking on the role of Murkwraith, players are tasked with wrestling back a world under siege by dark forces and sinister plotters all while keeping your eye open for loot along the way.
Now developer Nordic Trolls have revealed more details on the multiplayer side of the title. The plan is to get two to four player coop integrated into the title with the possibility of some player-versus-player action at some point. To help ensure the implementation of these features go smoothly the team has a three stage plan. Stage one will see them carrying out closed testing on a Steam Test Branch which is expected to be a buggy messy with plenty of latency issues. Stage two will be an open test on the Steam Test Branch, open to anyone and will hopefully be less problematic then stage one. Finally, stage three is the update to the live version of the title which will bring multiplayer to all players with few if no issues.
Those who are waiting to take part in the testing of the multiplayer can do so by following the Steam community forums for the title and keeping their eyes open for submission. Furthermore, the team at Nordic Trolls have released an hour long gameplay video that shows an early multiplayer test working in action. You can find that below.
VRFocus’ Editor Kevin Joyce previewed Karnage Chronicles saying: “Karnage Chronicles plays much like you’d imagine a VR rendition of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim to, however based on evidence of the early build VRFocus has been hands-on with its significantly more linear. Karnage Chronicles is more about the pacing of the adventure than choosing your own, which is a fair interpretation of the exploration-heavy style of RPG given the relative youth of VR as a medium.”
Karnage Chronicles is currently available on Steam Early Access for £18.99 (GBP) with support for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality. For more on the title in the future, keep reading VRFocus.
via Mint VR