March 17, 202507:10:27 AM

Koliseum Soccer VR Teases Player Look Update

The World Cup might be over, but football fever is still as hot as ever. For those who want to recreate the tension and excitement on a slightly smaller scale, location-based virtual reality (VR) experience Koliseum Soccer VR might be exactly what you are looking for, particularly when a new graphical update is in the offering.

Koliseum Soccer VR seeks to dip into nostalgia by recreating the joy of table football. only bringing the concept into virtual reality. For those who miss engaging in a few rounds of foosball in between pints, Koliseum Soccer VR has you covered.

Developer Kynoa have adapted the concept of table football into VR, even using the traditional bar-style controls, which means players need to pull and push to position players correctly, before snapping to block or shoot for the goal.

The Koliseum Soccer VR experience has two main elements, the arcade-style table cabinet that contains the controls, and a head-mounted display that provides the visuals and tracking. The HMD brings players into a futuristic world where football is dominated by robots.

Kynoa have said on Facebook that a ‘V2’ graphical update is currently worked on that will improve the robot players. Few details on this are currently available, but the developers did humorously note that their robot players had advantages over their flesh-and-blood counterparts: “Our players, huge metallic robots that have some interesting advantages over flesh & blood football players: no ego, easy-to-fix injuries, superlative strength and low-maintenance haircuts.”

Koliseum Soccer VR was recently shortlisted for the VR Awards, getting a nomination for ‘Best out-of-home VR experience’ alongside giants in the field such as ILMxLAB, The VOID and HOLOGATE.

Further information on Koliseum Soccer VR can be found on the Kynoa website, and the title can be found at a number of VR centres across Europe. For further coverage of Koliseum Soccer VR and other new and updated VR content, keep checking back with VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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