March 19, 202504:01:47 PM

Life In 360°: Just Say No

At the end of last week’s Life In 360° we looked at how technology can be used to change music, and in the case of Friday’s entry the music video specifically. The video we looked at then even had music composed by artificial intelligence, to go along with its 360 degree content and Tiltbrush influenced visuals.

Life In 360° / 360 Degree VideoWhich is, of course, not to say that the idea of the 360 degree music video is particularly new. It isn’t – and we’ve certainly featured a number of them down the months as part of Life In 360°.  However, it has been a while since they were featured here, so please consider this something of a theme week. Over today, Wednesday and Friday we take a look through the last few years and pick out a few videos you might not have seen before.

The first video comes from Swiss R&B and soul singer Seven, otherwise known as Jan Dettwyler.  Seven has been producing music since 2002 but had his first studio album back in 2015 called BackFunkLoveSoul.  This was followed up by his 2017 effort 4Colors.

Back in 2015 (so no prizes for guessing which album the track is from) Seven teamed up with Samsung Schewiz to promote the 360 degree format. The song, called No, sounds very Prince-like but the video itself is a bit deceptive. Upon playing you’ll quickly realise that there’s four viewpoints with Seven singing in each one in a new location and doing his own thing. However, it’s a little bit more than that.  The clever bit is the girl that Seven is saying “no” to. It’s her journey around the circle, changing costumes per scenario, that you need to follow as the timing is pretty great. Especially on bits where she only partly, or briefly appears.  There’s even some weird Max Headroom-like moment midway through.

Check it out below and I’ll be back with something else on Wednesday.


via Mint VR
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