March 24, 202512:26:01 PM

Rift Pulls Ahead Of Vive, Windows VR Gains Ground In June Steam Hardware Survey

Rift Pulls Ahead Of Vive, Windows VR Gains Ground In June Steam Hardware Survey

Another month and another similar set of Steam Hardware Survey results are in.

The Oculus Rift once again came out on top in the optional survey in June 2018. Rift took 46.26% of the overall VR headset usage on Valve’s platform, while Vive took 44.56%. That’s a slightly wider gap than May’s results, which were at 46.1% and 45.31% respectively. That said, with a lack of truly big releases and no real move on either headset’s price tag over the past few months, we doubt there’s going to be any radical shakeup in the numbers anytime soon.

Perhaps the slightly more interesting story is that Microsoft’s Windows-based Mixed Reality VR headsets have reached their highest share yet at 6.25%. That’s still not massive, then, but the regular sales of these inside-out tracked devices is no doubt helping Windows gain ground slowly but surely.

As always, note that these numbers aren’t necessarily conclusive of the actual market share of VR headsets out there. Not only is the survey optional it’s possible that some headset owners don’t even have Steam. It is, however, just about the only indicator we have of how VR headsets are performing against each other right now.

This month sees the arrival of the long-anticipated Marvel Powers United VR on Rift, which could perhaps bring in some new VR fans. That said, the prospect of Valve’s new Knuckles controllers, which are now shipping out to developers, could provide a big boost to SteamVR headsets in the long run.

The post Rift Pulls Ahead Of Vive, Windows VR Gains Ground In June Steam Hardware Survey appeared first on UploadVR.

via Mint VR
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