Test Drive Your Next Holiday as Travel Site Kayak Launches a VR App

Apps like Google Earth have certainly made exploring our planet that little bit easier and more immersive with the virtual reality (VR) version. Tourism organisations and travel companies have also begun to employ VR as a means of promoting exotic locations with the latest coming from online travel site Kayak.

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Kayak VR is a prototype travel app for the Google Daydream headset. With it you’ll be able to explore cities around the world, giving you the opportunity to not only see the destination as if you were already there, but also to learn about its landmarks through an immersive sight and sound experience. Plus, by pairing these beautiful sights with Kayak’s travel tips and trends, you should be able to figure out with confidence if it’s the right destination for you.

Currently the app allows you to visit two destinations, Venice and Kathmandu. You’ll be able to take a local audio tour of each city, learn about dozens of landmarks and hotels with the help of Kayak’s expert audio narrator. Plus you can move around a number of different 360° scenes to explore the sights, fully immersing yourself in each city thanks to realistic stereophonic sound that adapts to the position of your head.

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Then if you like the look of Venice or Kathmandu you can book a holiday with a better understanding of each location. Of course being a prototype app Kayak VR has plans on adding further cities in the future. Which ones and when are currently undisclosed.

This isn’t the first time Kayak has played with VR. Way back in 2016 the company hosted a special one-day event in London, UK, where visitors could go on a ‘Virtual Voyage’ to a far flung exotic location, transporting them out of a dreary January day.

Kayak VR is free for Daydream View headsets. As Kayak releases further info on the app VRFocus will keep you updated.

via Mint VR
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