March 26, 202512:36:40 PM

The Biggest PSVR Releases Of The Week 07/08/18

The Biggest PSVR Releases Of The Week 07/08/18

All’s quiet in PSVR land this week. We’ve got just one truly new game to check out. Hope you like tennis!

Dream Match Tennis, from Bimboosoft
Price: $14.99

I’m excited about this. Not because I’m a fan of tennis in any meaningful way, but because this particular take on the sport is made by none other than Bimboosoft. That’s rift, the guys that made Rollercoaster Dreams, arguably the worst PSVR game of all time. Judging by the trailer for this one, it looks like Bimboosoft may have upped their game a little since then, but they still managed to produce hilarious trailers.

Code51: Mecha Arena, from Smelly River
Price: $19.99 (European release)

Finally an EU release for this intriguing mech shooter. Code51 has you taking part in multiplayer battles from the seat of a powerful war machine. Charge around arenas, firing rockets, grabbing powerups and just generally making as big an explosion as you possibly can. If you need a Rigs fix, this is a good place to go.

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